Rosanna VERDE
Dip. di Strategie Aziendali
e Metodologie Quantitative Facoltà di Economia - Seconda
Università di Napoli
Corso Gran Priorato di Malta, 81043 Capua (CE) - Italy
Tel. 0039 0823.274353
Fax 0039 0823 620630
e-mail: rosanna.verde@unina2.it
Rosanna Verde is associated professor of Statistics at the Faculty
of Economics of the Second University of Naples (SUN) and she is
lecturer at the Faculty of Economics of the Univ. of NaplesFederico
II. She takes part to the Center of Competence on I.T.C..
She is in the teaching staff of the Doctorate in Statistical and of the post-graduated Master school in “Economics and Laws of European Community” of the Second University of Naples.
She has been coordinator of several national projects on new techniques in numerical conceptual classification of complex data, granted by MIUR and CNR.
She has participated to European projects (SODAS, ASSO) and she is coordinator of the cooperation between UFPE-Brazil and the SUN.
She was expert evaluator of the European programme IST "Statistical tools, methods, indicators & applications for the Information Society".
She has been invited professor at: INRIA (Rocquencourt - France);
Zentral-Archiv of the University of Cologne (Germany); Federal University
of Pernabuco (Brazil); University Notre-Dame de la Paix of Namur
(Belgium); University of Beihang (Beijing, China).
She is member of the following Statistics Societies: ISI, IASC, SIS, SFdS and SFC.
She has been member of the Financial Committee of the IFCS (2002-2004).
She is vice-president of the “Société Francophone de Classification”(2004-).
She is vice-director of the Research Center of Complex Data Analysis ( University of Beihang – Beijing, China)
She is Managing Editor of the Electronic Journal of Symbolic Data Analysis (http://www.jsda.unina2.it)
Her main fields of research are: Multidimensional Data Analysis,
Non Linear Data Analysis, Symbolic Data Analysis; Regression and
Multidimensional Conjoint Analysis.
Main publications
“A Multidimensional approach to Conjoint Analysis” (1998) Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis Journal, 14, 265-274 (in coll. with N.C. Lauro and G. Giordano).
“Factorial Discriminant Analysis on Symbolic Objects” (1999). In: Analysis of Symbolic Data, Exploratory methods for extracting statistical information from complex data. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis and Knowledge Organisation. Bock, H.H. and Diday, E. (Eds), Springer Verlag. Heidelberg (in coll. with N.C. Lauro and F. Palumbo)
“Generalised Canonical Analysis on Symbolic Objects” (1999). In: Classification and Data Analysis, Theory and Application. Vichi M. and Opitz O. (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 195-202.
“Una struttura simbolica per il controllo della coerenza del questionario” (2000). In: Il questionario elettronico, L. Fabbris (Ed.), CLEUP, Padova, 2000. (in coll. with S. Balbi).
“Una strategia di imputazione per mancate risposte in questionari strutturati come oggetti simbolici”, In: Ingegnerizzazione del processo di produzione di dati statistici. A. Giusti (Ed.), CLEUP, Padova, 2000 . (in coll. with S. Balbi)
“Factorial Methods with cohesion constraints on Symbolic Objects” (2000). In : H.A.L. Kiers, J.-P. Rasson, P.J.F. Groenen and M. Schader (Eds.): Data Analysis, Classification, and Related Methods, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, (in coll. with N.C. Lauro and F. Palumbo).
“A Dynamical Clustering Algorithm for Multi-nominal Data” (2000). In: H.A.L. Kiers, J.-P. Rasson, P.J.F. Groenen and M. Schader (Eds.): Data Analysis, Classification, and Related Methods, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 387-394 (in coll. with F. De Carvalho and Y. Lechevallier).
“Non Symmetrical Factorial Discriminant Analysis for symbolic objects” (2000) Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester (in coll. with F. Palumbo).
“Symbolic Interpretation in a clustering Strategy on Multiattribute Preference Data”. Rivista di Statistica Applicata , n. 4, Napoli, 2000 (in coll. with M. Gettler-Summa e G. Giordano).
“Analisi dei Dati Simbolici e Data Mining” in Data Mining, Web Mining e CRM” (2002), Furio Camillo and Giorgio Tassinari (Eds), Franco Angeli, pp. 17-25 (in coll. con N.C.Lauro)
“Trois nouvelles méthodes de classification automatique de données symboliques de type intervalle”. In corso di pubblicazione su Revue de Statistique Appliquées, n. 4 2003 (in coll. con M. Chavent, F. de A. T. de Carvalho, Y. Lechevallier).
“Symbolic Clustering interpretation and Visualization”. Journal of Symbolic Data Analysis, n. 1, vol.1, http://www.jsda.unina2.it , Napoli, 2003 (in coll. with Y. Lechevallier, M. Chavent).
“General Dynamic Clustering methods on Symbolic Data tables” (2003) In Acts of CLADAG2003, Bologna, 21-24 September (in coll. with Y. Lechevallier).
“Clustering Methods in Symbolic Data Analysis” (2004)
In: Classification, Clustering, and Data Mining Applications.
D. Banks, L. House, F.R. McMorris, P. Arabie, W. Gaul (Eds). Springer,
Series: Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge
Organization, pp. 299-317.
